Articles by: admin
Ancient Greek Gilt – head bream with cheese and oil
Source:The Classical Cookbook, Andrew Dalby and Sally Grainger. Excellent source on Ancient Greek Cuisine
Ancient Greek Shrimps in a glace of honey
Source:The Classical Cookbook, Andrew Dalby and Sally Grainger. Excelent source regarding Ancient Greek cuisine
Ancient Greek Pulp
Kikeon is something between food and drink. The word “Kikeon” (κυκεών) comes from the verb “κυκάν”, which means thickening by continuously stirring. The recipe that is given best resembles the ancient version “Kikeon”
Source:The Classical Cookbook, Andrew Dalby and Sally Grainger.
Excelent source regarding Ancient Greek cuisine
Ancient honey and sesame fritters
It is amazing how little this recipe has changed 1800 years after. The Roman Physician Galinos (129 – 99 ac) describes in his book this sweet with many details.
Source:The Classical Cookbook, Andrew Dalby and Sally Grainger.
Excelent source regarding Ancient Greek cuisine
Octopus with paprika
This dish can also be served as an appetizer for drinking ouzo. It is also considered a lenten dish, suitable for those who are fasting.
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