Salted sardines from Kalloni Lesvos

Salted sardines from Kalloni Lesvos

Salted sardines from Kalloni Lesvos


  1. Wash the sardines. In a deep plate spread a layer of thick salt. Then place the sardines over the salt and cover them with another layer of thick salt. Let them burn in salt for 2 – 4 hours.
  2. Remove them from the plate, wash them and remove head and spinal by pulling them towards the tail. This way you master to remove the guts as well.
  3. Peel the skin from the fish and lay the fillets on a plate. If you want you can season them with oil and vinegar.

Kalloni is a beautiful natural spot in Lesbos island. It is surrounded by the gulf waters, and supplied by the rich plain of 100 km², through which six rivers flow. In the Kalloni gulf it is said that fishermen catch the best sardines in Greece. The festival of sardine in Skala (port) Kalloni in July is famous. Grilled sardines are offered to the visitors among with plenty of ouzo.  Live Greek music and dance shows are also happening.


  • Fresh sardines
  • Thick salt


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