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Meat and wheat pulp — greek-recipe-com
keskek (source:

keskek (source:

Meat and wheat pulp


  1. Slice the meat in medium size pieces.
  2. Sautee in a large saucepan.
  3. Add plenty of water and add the bones the onions, salt and pepper.
  4. Let the meat melt for at least 4 hours.
  5. Remove bones.
  6. Wash the wheat and add it in the saucepan.
  7. Boil the mixture again in low temperature until the meat and the wheat make a pulp and cannot be distinguished.
  8. Push the mixture into the bottom of the saucepan if necessary in order to melt it easily.
  9. When the mixture has melt sautee it with fresh sheep’s butter and serve.


  • 1 kg beef
  • 1 kg of meat (lamp, goat, sheep)
  • 2 medium sized bones
  • 4 medium sized onions
  • 1/2 kg wheat (with its husk removed)
  • salt
  • pepper
  • Olive oil (1tea cup)
  • Fresh butter (sheep’s butter prefered)

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