Santorinian soft cheese pastries

Santorinian soft cheese pastries

Santorinian soft cheese pastries


  1. Pour in a bowl flour and olive oil and start adding gradually water. Knead the dough and try to make it elastic.
  2. Set aside and prepare the stuffing by mixing all ingredients together. Work the mixture well with your hands.
  3. Then roll out a thin sheet of dough and use a small bowl or tea cup of less than 10 cm diameter to cut circular pieces of the dough. In each round piece of dough place a spoon full of the stuffing on the center.
  4. Fold the uncovered piece of dough all round the stuffing in order to shape something that resembles a round plate and squiz it softly with a toothpick or a fork. It should look like a round open parcel. The top of the pastry should remain uncovered.
  5. Oil a baking pan and bake in high temperature 220 – 250 C for no more than 15 minutes.
  6. The top of the stuffing should get a golden color.



  • 2 – 3 spoons olive oil
  • 1 kg flour, sifted
  • Lukewarm water, as much as it needs to knead a soft dough



  • 1 kg soft unsalted cheese, like greek mitzithra or ricotta
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 2 – 3 eggs
  • 1 cup flour
  • Half tspn of masticha powder (to give a unique scent and taste)

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