Post Tagged with: "Filo"
Cheese pastries
The picture shows cheese pastries with round shape made with home made filo. The recipe demonstrates though the making of cheese triangles with crusty filo.
Greek baklava
Layers of filo fough, well oiled or buttered, alternated with layers of chopped nuts and raisins or currants. A very popular Greek recipe.
Honey and cheese patties
This is a traditional recipe from the Greeks of Constantinopolis. The combination of sweet honey and salted cheese is unique.
Pie from Ceasaria
This pie is also called “Pastourmadopita”. The scent of pastourma is strange and not admired by everybody. Some people say that the best pastourma is made from camel’s meat but this is not true. The best pastourma is from the beef’s saddle and is made in Ceasaria. Pastourma is also made in Instabul. It can be found in large super market stores. This is a traditional recipe from the Greeks of Constantinopolis.
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