Bekri meze
Pork appetizer
- Carefully wash the meat
- Cut it into small pieces and strain with a strainer.
- Saute in pan until it gets brown.
- In a large stockpot add the rest of the oil and saute the chopped onion and the thinly sliced peppers.
- Add the meat and stir a few times, then douse with the wine.
- Add the chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper and pimento and add some water, bringing it to a slow boil. Let it simmer until pork is tender.
- Remove from heat and add pieces of feta cheese on top.
Aka “Bekri meze”
- 1 kg pork
- 1 medium onion
- 1/2 cup of olive oil
- 5 small green peppers
- Feta cheese
- 2-3 ripe fresh tomatoes
- 1 glass of white wine
- Pimento grains
- Salt
- Pepper
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