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Greek Christmas Recipes – Greek Christmas Menu — greek-recipe-com


Greek Christmas Recipes – Greek Christmas Menu

Stuffed Turkey

Stuffed Turkey

Christmas is the most important feast of Christianity after Easter. Throughout the centuries Christmas also has been linked closely to traditional Greek cooking. All sweet shops decorate their windows with mounds of Kourabiedes (Holiday Butter Cookies) and Melomakarona (New Year Cookies). An aroma fills the air of every home kitchen where women make KataifiBaklavaTheeplesChristopsomo, the traditional Roast Lamb with Potatoes and the Savory Turkey stuffed with chestnuts and pine nuts.

We have collected for you some Christmas recipes to help you organize the Christmas menu. Try to select the most fresh ingredients!

Remember that a fresh Turkey can be recognized by the following:

  • The chest has to be long and broad, the skin shiny and stretched.
  • The legs should be fat, full of meat.
  • If you press the meat it should be soft and the legs shiny

Choose a seasonal salad. You can easily prepare a vegetable soup out of the Turkey’s broth. Just boil the Turkey and don’t waste the broth. Use it for cooking the soup.

Proposed Christmas Menu

Salads: Lettuce Salad, Cabbage and Carrot Salad

Lettuce salad

Lettuce salad

Cabbage and carrot salad

Cabbage and carrot salad

Appetizers: Spinach Pie with Cheese and Eggs, Tomato soup

Spinach pie with home made filo

Spinach pie with home made filo

Tomato soup

Tomato soup


Main course: Stuffed Turkey, Veal with Quince

Stuffed Turkey

Stuffed Turkey

Veal with quince

Veal with quince


Dessert: Baklava, Kataifi, Christmas Honey Sweets, Small Almond Cakes

Greek baklava

Greek baklava



Traditional Christmas Honey sweets

Traditional Christmas Honey sweets

Small almond cakes






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