Cake with fig syrup
- Mix all ingredients well. Baste a baking pan with oil.
- Put the mixture in the baking pan, dredge over sesame and bake in 200C for about an hour.
- 2 glasses of water fig syrup (petimezi) *
- 1 glass of water olive oil
- 1 glass of water sugar
- Juice of 2 oranges
- 1 tbspn soda
- 3 tspns baking powder
- 3 tspns brandy
- Nuts, thickly cut
- Cinammon
- Sesame
- Self raising flower (as much as required to make a dough thick enough for a cake)
* If you do not have petimezi replace it with honey, which you have to dissolve it with enough water to make a thick syrup. (see recipe for fig syrup).
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