Posted on February 6, 2004 in 14th of September, Filo & Bread
- Cut the almonds in thick pieces. Mix in a bowl the oil, the water, the brandy and the sugar. Then dissolve the baking powder in the mixture and add the vanilla, the cinnamon, the clove, the almonds and the sesame. Finally add as much flour is required for the mixture to become a thick pulp.
- Baste a round baking pan (of approximately 34 cm diameter) with oil and spread the mixture. On its top pour white thick sugar and some cinnamon.
- Preheat the oven in 180 C and bake for around 45 minutes.
- 2 glasses oil
- 2 glasses water
- 1 wine glass brandy
- 1 doze baking powder
- 2 dozes vanilla powder
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- 700 gr suger
- 1 1/2 gr almonds
- 1/2 glass sesame
- Flour, as much as it takes