Lamb with Strained Yogurt Sauce


  1. Wash the lamb well and put it in a pan.
  2. Add salt, butter and water and place the pan in a medium oven. Let it bake well.

Prepare the yogurt sauce as follows:

  1. In a bowl beat the yogurt with salt and pepper slightly.
  2. Beat the eggs whites separately (do not make them stiff).
  3. Then add the yolks. Beat both a little while longer and add the beaten eggs to the yogurt beating all the time.


  1. Take the pan out of the oven; remove the lamb from the pan and pour the yogurt sauce in the pan.
  2. Return the pan to the oven and bake until the sauce thickens up.
  3. Place the lamb back in the pan with the sauce and bake again.
  4. When the contents of the pan are golden brown, remove it from the oven and serve.


  • 2 kg lamb (4lbs 8oz)
  • 4-5 eggs
  • 1 large teacup butter
  • 1 large teaup water
  • 1¬? Kg (3lbs 6oz) strained yogurt
  • salt and pepper


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