Wine must cookies

Wine must cookies

Wine must cookies


  1. In a large bowl, sift the flower, the ammonia and the cinnamon cloves.
  2. Mix and add the boiling water, the honey and the brandy. Stir until the mixture has dissolved.
  3. Slowly add the flour, mixing continuously. Knead the dough well. If the dough is too dry, add a little petimezi that has been mixed with boiling water.
  4. Shape the dough into cookies, put them on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake in a per-heated 350 C oven for about 20 minutes.


  • 4 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup petimezi (grape syrup)
  • 2/3 coffee cup honey
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ammonia
  • 3 tablespoons brandy
  • 2/3 cup boiling water
  • cinnamon cloves


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