Gum mastic cake
Gum mastic cake
- Beat the almonds on a mixer until they become like powder.
- Add butter, sugar and mastic and beat until the mixture becomes soft white and creamy.
- Remove from mixer, place mixture in a large bowl and mix with the flour.
- Mix well with a spoon and then let the mixture rest inthe fridge for several hours.
- Empty the mixture in buttered baking pan and bake in 170 C for 1/2 hour and then in 160 C for another 1/2 hour.
- When cake is ready then remove from oven and dredge with icing sugar.
- Garnish with mastic seeds.
Recipe is taken from the summer 2004 issue of AB magazine. AB is the largest supermarket chain in Greece.
- 225 gr butter
- 250 gr icing sugar
- 4 eggs
- 150 gr all purpose flour
- 250 gr white almonds
- 5 gr mastic powder
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