
Welcome to Greek-Recipe.com!!

If you redirected to this page it is most probably because you requested to view a page of the previous version of Greek-Recipe.com.

Greek-Recipe.com recently updated its look and feel and Content Management Platform from PHPNuke to WordPress. The site is now using a responsive layout, which allows to be visible also to tablets and smartphones.



Greek-Recipe.com is one of the first websites, dedicated to Greek cuisine. The website operates since 2003 and used to be at the top of the search results in the major Search engines, including Google, having more than 5000 unique visitors per day. Until 2006 the content of the site was updated regularly and the traffic was stable. Since then it started to decrease because of two reasons.

1) New sites popped up with new ideas and fresh recipes.

2) The content was not updated.

Recently we made changes to the site and started to post again new recipes. While not being so popular any more we believe that we still excel in some areas comparing to other more popular sites, which we do not want to name. First of all we see our content copied to more popular sites. We also notice that the authenticity of some Greek recipes has not been preserved in many sites. People follow the trends and post recipes, only because keywords are popular in search engines. Greek Salads are posted, which are not Greek at all, kebabs are presented as soutzoukakia, a kind of baklava is named baklava, etc. This trend obviously makes confusion to the people, who want to learn more about Greek cuisine.

Stuffed tomatoes and peppersStuffed tomatoes with octapus

Stuffed tomatoes and peppers

We encourage you to stay connected with our site and follow our activities because we believe that we represent typical Greek cuisine. We welcome you to send us your ideas, comments, feedback , which can make us better.


If you still want to access the old site you can access it for a short period at this URL: http://phpnuke.greek-recipe.com

We encourage you though to try to find the requested information in the new site by checking the respective categories or using the Search capabilities that we offer.

Greek-Recipe.com is also accessible through the following URLs:





