Traditional meat pie from Cephallonia
For the mixture
- We cut the meat in small pieces, mix it with the rest of the ingredients and add two cups of water.
For the pastry sheet
- We pour half a kilo of hard flour in a pan along with half a kilo of soft flour.
- We dig a hole in the middle and add a cup of vinegar, a cup of oil and some salt.
- We add lukewarm water and mix until it becomes solid.
- In the baking pan we put one sheet on the bottom and one over the mixture.
- We bake in 200 c degrees for 1,5 hour.
- 1 kg beef (non-fat)
- 1/2 kg pork thigh
- 1 cup yellow rice
- 1/2 cup Carolina rice
- 1 cup olive oil
- 2 ground tomatoes
- 2-3 dry onions, ground
- 5-6 garlic cloves
- 1 cup anise or amaranth
- 1 cup of parsley
- 6-8 twigs of fresh marjoram
- Salt
- Pepper
- Cinnamon powder
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