Ioannina meat pie
Ioannina meat pie
- We slice the meat and boil it with the onions and the salt until it grows tender.
- We put it aside and put the onions in a blender, or squeeze them with a fork to a pulp.
- We mix the meat, the onions, the eggs, grains or rice and as much boiled water as needed to turn the mixture into a mush.
- We spread half of the sheets on an oiled baking pan and dub them with melted butter.
- We empty the mixture on top of the sheets.
- We cover our pie with the rest of the sheets, sprinkle some hard cheese on top of them, and bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
- 8 home made sheets, very thin
- 2 kg of meat from a large lamb
- 1 kg of dry onions
- 1 water glass of crushed grains (or rice)
- 8 eggs
- 200 gr butter
1 handful of ground hard cheese
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